Albert Ernest
1889 to 1962
Albert Ernest was born in Streatham in 1889, the second child of David and Laura, when they lived at 188 Wellfield Road (as recorded in the 1891 census). By 1901 the family had moved to 196 Sunnyhill Road, not far from Welfield Road, and Albert attended Hitherfield school


196 Sunny Hill Road Hitherfield School 188 Wellfield Road
Then, in 1910 or 1911, just into his twenties, he emigrated to the United States. Its not clear which it is, as he appears in the 1911 UK census, at 196 Sunny Hill Road, but the US census of 1930 says 1910. However, as the 1920 US census also says 1911, it was probably after the 1911 UK census.
Which year he emigrated, he married Rose Hook from Penge, Kent (now SE London) in Canada in 1912. Details fpr Rose are confused - the 1911 Census for Rose seems o have been misrecorded. Her parents, William and Emily, are recorded as 49 and 44 in 1901, with Rose 13, living at 126 Woodbine Grove. In 1911 her parents are both recorded as being 50, and Rose is stated to be 14 and at School. Their agres are surely misreported. Rose had a sister Lydia who would have also have been 14, but she is not recorded; her siblings Charles (17), Frederick (16) Hilda (13) and Ernest (7) are correctly recorded. I think Rose is Lydia and the real Rose, age 23, is not recorded at home.
Wherever Rose was in 1911, in 1912 she had emigrated to the United States and found her way to Essex, Ontario, to marry Albert. By 1920, they were living at 1435 Field Avenue, Wayne, Michigan, with their three children, and Rose's brother Henry with his wife Ethel and son Stephen. Their children were Elsie Laura, David Albert and Margaret Ada. A further female child was born in 1921, but did not survive.
Links to their childrens stories may be found here
In 1930 Albert and Rose lived a few doors from Henry and Ethel, at 5649 Montclair Avenue. Wayne, Michigan.
In 1937 Albert and Rose visited the UK, giving 70 marlow Road as their address in the UK - this was Rose's parents. The passenger list also names Margaret, but is crossed out. Did she travel?
They returned to Wayne, and in 1947 Rose died in October.
Albert survived until 1962, travelling back to the UK at least once more where he stayed for 6 weeks. Its amazing looking at the passenger list how many of the Americans on board had been born in the UK. Albert, on departure. stated he had stayed at 170 Westbrook Avenue Margate, I have not traced who he might have visited there.
Albert also had a relationship with one Barbara Kendrovics Griffith, but I have yet to determine the exact nature of this relationship and whether there is a son William Griffith. The certain information I have is that Albert married Barbara Kendrovics in 1962, shortly before his death. The son, William Griffith, is recorded in 1950, and is most likely a step son.