Mary 1823 - 1843
Mary was born in Edenbridge in 1823 or 1824. Her Baptism Record, from 4th June 1826, records her as 2 1/2 years old.
Mary is named after her mother, and survived only to the age of 19, when the Edenbridge Parish Register records she was buried on the 5th February 1843.
Her age 19 at death would indicate that she was born between Feb 1823 and the January 1824, and considering her Bapistm record this narrows to either December 1823 or January 1824.
Mary was still alive when the 1841 census took place, but she is not recorded with her parents. A Mary Mitchenall? (smudged record - recorded as MItchell), aged 15, is identified as living with James Mellish, a baker, and his family on the Edenbridge High Street. Also there is a Walter Barton, an Apprentice baker, aged 20, and Mr Mellish's family. Was she in service or staying with a relative? If this isn't her, she is not at home, and she died within two years before the age of 20.
If the 15 year old Mary is Mary Mitchenall, she is living next door but one to the 10 year old Elizabeth Penfold, her brother Georges future wife. She is also living away from her parents